DROPS - Wool for all purposes
Wool is not just wool like a sheep is not just a sheep. The wool is available in all kinds of qualities and at all kinds of prices. You can buy ordinary wool for your potholders next time you're in the supermarket, but you can also spend a ton of money buying some of the finest types of wool such as cashmere and merino. The many kinds of wool are produced in all parts of the world where sheep are present. Sheep's wool has been used by us humans for many thousands of years.
The many types of wool that we have created are the reason for the just as many ways of using the wool — if not many more. Because wool is the foundation of all human clothing, it is impossible to avoid completely. It's in everything from thick, compact fabrics in coats and jackets to light fabrics on the catwalks around the world. What the many types of wool have in common is that you know that knitting with wool can influence exactly where your clothes come from and can decide how it should look.