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Cowl with hood

Cowl with hood

Designer: Johanne Louise Nagel

The pattern consists of a cowl in patent knit and a hood that closes in front with 2 buttons. The hood can be used instead of a scarf or the like and is especially practical if there is a risk of rain. The yarn knit on 5 mm sticks is given a feather quilt. silk-soft fabric.

You will find the yarn used here.

Knitting needles 5 mm can be found here.

Turn up 80 m

Father Knit

1 p: 1r * sl. about, slip 1 loose, 1 r * repeat from * to * to last 2 sts, sl. if, remove 1 tr, 1 tr

  1. p: 1 r, * m and cover r, sl. about, slip 1 loose * repeat from * to * two load 2 pcs, pcs and cover r sm, 1 r
  2. p: r * sl. turn over, slip 1 st, m and cover r, sl. if * repeat from * to * to last 2 m, sl. if, remove 1 tr, 1 tr

Knit 2nd and 3rd row until piece measures 7 cm. Note that the first and last m is always right and therefore gives an edge of garter st.

Knit stockinette until the entire piece measures 70 cm, then make the back rows. Use the method to turn around as you please or don't use any. The yarn covers well over holes, so it is not very clear if no method is used to close them.

P 1: (right side) 78 r, v

P 2: (wrong side) 76 rows, v

P 3: 74 r, v

P 4:72 Fri, v

P 5, 70 r, v

P 6:68 Fri, v

P 7: 66 r, v

P 8: 64 v. V. V

P 9: 62 r, v

P 10: 60 Fri, v

P 11: 58 r, v

P 12: 56 v. V. V

P 13: 57 r, v

P 14:59 v. V. V

P 15: 61 r, v






p 21: 73 r, v




Pick up 28 sts along the side of the cap and knit back in rib (2 rows, 2 rows). When the other side is reached, 28 m are also collected on this page. Knit 2 rows rib. Then make 2 buttonholes as follows: Cast off 2 sts, knit 4 sts rib (r over r and P over P) again cast off 2 sts and knit in pattern. On the next stick 2 sts at each buttonhole. Knit 3 rows rib and close loosely.

Sew two buttons on the opposite side of the buttonholes and sew. a washing mark in so that the user does not get to felt it in the washing machine!

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