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Crochet for beginners

Crochet has become very popular in recent years, and this is something more and more people are taking part in. It is a great pleasure to have leisure time, especially in the winter months, when the weather is gray and boring, and where you would rather sit inside and enjoy yourself with his crochet. At the same time, it is possible to make some great things for yourself, for the home or for a completely different person. There are many possibilities when it comes to crochet, and you can make everything from cloths and tea towels to funny characters. It is only the imagination that sets limits, and you will be able to test your creative abilities and see what they really like. You will also make some very unique things that will fall into good ground with yourself and others, and you can of course choose the color and quality for the yarn, so that you can exactly get the result you want. However, it does of course require a certain technique to achieve the best results, and it also requires that you practice a little and have a little patience at the beginning. Luckily we at have chosen to put together a small guide and some good advice on what materials you need and what technique will be good for someone who has not tried yet. So we guide you to the right materials and the most basic techniques, so that as a beginner you get really good start and experience success with the project right away. Therefore, just read with this and get started quickly with your new crochet project.

Crochet in the simple way

Crochet is a very good technique if you want to be creative in a relatively simple way. Therefore, it is not many materials that you have to keep or in order to crochet exactly what you want. Here on the page, we recommend that you, as a beginner, get the following before you start the crochet:

  • Yarn as needed

  • Crochet hook.

So these are two simple things you need to get started. We offer here at a wide selection of both yarns of different thickness and crochet hooks of different sizes. We can, among other things, recommend investing in a crochet hook from WAVES, which has so-called "soft grip", which means that you can crochet for a long time without you getting tired of your hands or damaging them. In addition, just look in our selection and find the yarn you want. We offer many different kinds of yarn, ranging from silk to wool, but we recommend starting out with a simple cotton key. Once you have acquired the different materials, you can start the fun quickly, namely to learn the different crochet techniques.

Get started with the crochet

When you have acquired a suitable crochet hook and a key, which you think will fit well with what you want to crochet, then you are ready to try your hand at crochet. As a beginner, it is always a good idea to start small and then work your way up and get better and better while challenging yourself more. That's why we come here with some of the most basic techniques that you, as a beginner, can start by trying out:

Air masks: One of the techniques is the so-called air masks, which are almost always included in a crochet recipe. It is a very basic technique and is often used to start up recipes, and therefore it is good to have control. It works so that you start by making a loop about the crochet hook and tighten. Then the yarn has to be wrapped around the needle and pulled down through the loop, thus making its first air mask. So it is a relatively simple technique, and so you have to continue until you think there is enough. Then a reversing mask must be made, where you turn the crochet, and then you can start with the next technique, namely fixed masks.

Fixed masks: The solid mask is yet another of the basic techniques that are good to control as beginning. In fact, it requires that you first crochet a few air masks, as the solid masks must actually be crochet into the air masks, and thus you start at the 2nd air mask. You start by sticking the crochet hook into the air mask and then folding the yarn around the crochet hook. Once you have done so, you have to be pulled back slightly so that you get two loops on the needle. Then the yarn has to be round the needle again, and then pull the yarn through the two loops. Thus, you make a fixed mask. Next, crochet solid masks in all air masks.

Inlets and Outlets: When one feels that you are more or less familiar with making air masks and fixed masks, you can try your hand at what is called intakes and withdrawals. An intake can be seen as crocheting two fixed masks together and thus reducing the number. You start by sticking the needle down through the first mask and then turning the yarn around. Then the yarn must be retracted so that two loops appear on the needle, and then it is repeated at the mask next to it so that three loops occur. Then, the yarn must be pulled through the three loops and one intake. A retraction is the opposite of an intake, that is, where you increase the number of masks. They are made in such a way that you can make two fixed meshes in the same mask, and then you have made a set.

Get started with your crochet project

The above was a bit about the most basic materials and techniques that one can start out with as beginning. If you think that crochet sounds like something for you, then you can advantageously click around here on the page and find both crochet hook and yarn for your new project. By following this guide and our various advice you are guaranteed a great start to your new crochet project.

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