
Below you will find all our different types of buttons. We have a really wide selection of different buttons for all purposes, so you can be sure that you will also find some that will suit your knitting or crochet project. Buttons are really popular right now and have been for a long time. We have a selection of several hundred buttons with many shapes, colours, sizes, and qualities.

Many have their favourite brands — also when it comes to buttons. That's why you will find the coarse INCA button from the popular and reputable DROPS and the more elegant and fine metal button from Du Store Alpakka. If you are more into exciting floral motifs or cute children's buttons with animals on it, this is certainly also a part of our selection. In other words, there is indeed something for everyone. 

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Order high quality buttons

You can use buttons for a lot of things. Whether you sew, knit or crochet, there is always the opportunity to decorate with buttons or let them be functional. Here we offer buttons made of, among other things, nacre, wood, horn, metal, and plastic. But we also have some unique buttons from Du Store Alpakka, which actually are handmade. They are cut out of wood and are aesthetically beautiful as well as very durable, also when they are placed on a blouse that is often washed. 

Also, DROPS have some distinctive designs to offer with their buttons, which are made of coconut. They get a rustic glow, which is suitable for giving a lovely sweater a nice look. Find your favourite buttons in our wide range, or please contact us if you need anything. We are always able to help you find new buttons to help you complete your project. We never compromise on quality, which is why you can always find the best buttons at a fair price.


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