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Guide: Tunisian Crochet

In recent years it has become superpopular both to crochet and knit, and this is something that many start to take part in. This may be due to the fact that it is a nice hobby to have - especially in winter, where it is undeniably cozy to sit inside and embark on his knitting or crochet project. In addition, it is always nice to be able to knit or crochet something for yourself or others, and then it gives a lot of possibilities. One can, for example, both make things for the home, clothes, funny characters, cloths and tea towels or something completely different.

In fact, it is almost only the imagination that sets limits, and it is just to unfold its creative mind. In this way, you always have the opportunity to do some things that are unique and unique to the person you want to give your knitting or crochet project. It is especially crochet that is becoming increasingly popular and there are many different types of techniques and methods when it comes to crochet. Therefore, it is important to do away with yourself, what kind of crochet you want to learn. It always requires a lot of exercise every time you embark on a new project, and the same goes for crochet.

One of the types of crochet that is becoming increasingly widespread is Tunisian crochet. This can be described as a child of both knit and crochet, which can also be one of the reasons for the method's popularity. If you want to embark on Tunisian crochet, but are not quite sure where to start, we have fortunately here at YarnLiving chosen to make a small guide on how to achieve a good result with Tunisian crochet. So we guide you to the use of the right materials and also to the technique you need when you want to crochet in the Tunisian way. Therefore, just read the guide here and get off to a good start with your Tunisian crochet project.

You need that

Fortunately, Tunisian crochet is relatively simple, just as ordinary crochet is, and therefore, not many things you need to achieve a great result. However, of course, it requires that you have the right remedies for Tunisian crochet. Here we recommend that you get following before you start Tunisian crochet:

  • A Tunisian crochet hook of about 7 mm and with a 60 cm wire for larger projects. See our Tunisian crochet hooks here.
  • Yarn according to your own needs, but preferably with a recommended stick size of 5.

So, it's only two things you need before you start your Tunisian crochet project, so it's almost like going to. Here at YarnLiving we negotiate both yarns and colors as well as Tunisian crochet hooks in superb quality. Therefore, you can take a look at our selection and find exactly what you need for Tunisian crochet.

Find the right technique

Something that is slightly different in Tunisian crochet is that you are back and forth instead of turning crochet work. You will find the basic techniques you need to make Tunisian crochet. Fortunately, Tunisian crochet is also a simple form of crochet, so don't be afraid to embark on the fun method.

Air masks : As with normal crochet, starting at making a row of air masks. You almost always start a crochet pattern by making air masks, and that is no exception to Tunisian crochet. You start by making a loop about the Tunisian crochet hook, then tighten. Then take the yarn around the Tunisian crochet hook and down through the loop you just made. In the simple way you have made your first air mask. Then continue until you have the desired number of air masks so you can start the next technique.

Collection rows: When you have made enough air masks, make the so-called collection rows. It is a fairly simple technique where you have to download loops in the air masks that you have already made a number of. Here it is a good idea to start by entering the second air mask on the row and then turning the yarn around the Tunisian crochet hook. Then pull the thread out and continue so that loops are retrieved from all the air masks on the row from right to left.

Masking rows: When you run the entire row again and have reached the end of your air masks, it is time to make a so-called masking row. Here you turn the yarn back on the Tunisian crochet hook and pull it through the first mask. Then turn the yarn over again and pull it through the first two stitches on the needle so that it is only the first time you pull the needle through a single mask. Then you will be the same that you constantly turn the cover through two stitches. After this, you continue to make collection rows and masking back and forth, and you have found the technique of Tunisian crochet.

Get started with Tunisian crochet

This guide will help you get started with trying a different kind of crochet. The technique is relatively simple, and you can try the technique as an experienced crochet, but it can also be done easily, even if you are a beginner and completely green in the area. If you are crazy about various types of crochet, then you can take a look among our delicious products, where you can always find the best crochet hooks and the nicest yarn - and maybe even invest in your first Tunisian crochet hook. It's just a matter of learning to learn Tunisian crochet. Remember that it is only the imagination that sets limits when you have to start a new crochet project.

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